>>11950707>JasonHis movies might have drawn the most, but they’re nothing special. Fun movies, no more, no less. Contender for Jannetty by virtue of never having a truly great movie, but the dimes drawn could make him a Michaels.
>FreddyOne great match and that was the first. 2 and 3 are ok. 3 is a smark favorite. Not a Jannetty considering he has a great match under his belt.
>MichaelAgain, same as Freddy. Original is great, 3 is a smark favorite. Probably has the most reboots of any of them.
>SawI’m not a fan. Contender for Jannetty even if 1 is good. One of the cheesiest series.
>Child’s PlayThe original is actually a great match. I didn’t think it would hold up. The rest of the series is ok. It’s more for hardcore horror fans that like epic doll swearing and all that shit. Not really a Jannetty. Plus he was in WCW.
>LeatherfaceThere’s a theme here of slashers having one great first movie (minus Jason) and then a bunch of disappointing sequels or “cult classic” sequels. Again, Leatherface falls into this category. I’ll admit I’m biased since I like nearly all the TCM movies. He’s genuinely scary. Contender for Michaels for scare factor and influence.
>PinheadPossibly the worst series on here, yet his stable had so much potential. I don’t think the fantasy esque stuff was the horror audiences cup of tea in the 80’s. A lot that could’ve been done. As it stands, 1 and 2 are great.
>Ghostface One of the most consistent series. 3 wasn’t good, but 1, 2 and 4 are good. 5 and 6, I’d leave that up to you. A favorite for me. Probably a Jannetty for other people.
>ITBoring as shit. Jannetty for me despite the dimes drawn.
>HannibalGreat promo, not really scary. Some people prefer the Brian Cox version of Hannibal and I see why. Hopkins was kind of hammy. Not a Jannetty, but he’s vastly different from Freddy and Jason.