>>11972604I really hope not. The industry has catered too much to heel shit for too damn long. Guys in authority figures in wrestling should be acting like business men that want to see the best for the company. On paper the way kayfabe is supposed to work is that a promoter or a GM figure wants to put on the best possible matches, two or multiple wrestlers having a good clean match that generates excitement, more money, etc. Which is why usually a promotion would promote a face even if a heel may still be on top. That is supposed to be the kayfabe. There is in kayfabe not supposed to be an incentive to back some dirty cheating heel who can't even win matches without cheating if we are talking classic heel wrestlers.
So please no more heel GM ffs its sickening and tired and old and so overdone. Want more heel shit that isn't wrestlers? Lets get more manager types then like Paul. The GM should be a straight faced boss who is in it to please the fans and wants to put on the best possible show clean of fuckery and shenanigans. Keep both Nick and Adam this way.