>>12026102When he was a heel doing more than just "This town sucks and you fans suck" he was very based, race/ethnicity angles always draw in wrestling and he straddled the line between well enough to do it well without risking the cancel culture mob by being too much.
As soon as the Adam Cole shit started he went absolute trash. Their overproduced vignettes, PWG style "lol its so meta we're an odd couple team just like the wrestling trope lol our tag finisher is a shitter move but its a finisher because COMEDY lol lol lol isnt wrestling ironic fun guys lol".
Now he's doing this fucking pity party voice of tumblr gimmick he's an absolutely awful face. It'd be based if it was being done with a heel wink nudge as a grifter gimmick like every male feminist who turns out to be a rapist, but it's not, it's the one thing that he's done that isn't being played ironic.
He's cooled off huge as a performer but the grift's working for him, he's getting TV/film roles and the timing of everything with Israel/Palestine makes him so bulletproof the IDF could send him into Gaza.