>>1202978719 was the best Wrestling event full stop and no mania has surpassed it in this way sense.
20 was the most hype and has the best Main Event of any Mania.
21 Began the 02 graduating class. so it’s probably the most historic, especially since the company has to erase Benoit’s win from everyone’s minds. That said, I still think Orton should’ve won here to complete that set.
22 Tried to make the best of a pretty unfortunate mania that had to be constantly changed due to injuries and death. Should’ve Main Evented with Cena/Edge though. Haitch’s time was done.
23 was pretty mid all things considered still an pretty fun show. The WM18 of this bunch of that makes sense. Best theme of the bunch though. Shit’s THE perfect theme for this interest. This is better than My Way.
24 card was unexpectedly great and captures the meaning of WrestleMania perfectly. The best blend of Workrate and Celebrity spectacle that generation.
The first set for me.