>>12123293>CarterThe fucking GOAT. When he returns its like when Hogan, The Rock or Stone Cold makes an appearance and draws all the dimes. Too based for this shithole.
>WolfcuckA master carny. The Triple H of /pw/
>wolfcuck 2No heat, just a punching bag in place of wolfcuck but can't create oc and unfunny. Dedicated but only gets go away heat like Miz or Jarrett
>shankismLikeable small babyface who wolfcuck 2.0 tries to get heat on but can never win. Like RVD or Hurricane
>Rikishi posterDimeless gimmick nobody pays attention to. Ahmed or Albert tier
>sashaschizoGreat heel, great heat promos excellent chickenshit heel. He's like JBL or heel Kurt Angle
>BlisstrannyJoke. Insert any jobber
>mandyschizo Same as above
>dedicated kabukiIncredibly hard worker who never really got massively over but works constantly. A dolph Ziggler or Claudio
>slimechadLikeable comedy babyface. R-Truth or Santino
>pastachadMentally ill but based and creative. Russo
>OjamaThe current undisputed top star of /pw/ right now. People are obsessed. Gets heat despite being massive popular, very polarizing. The John Cena on this board.
>peepchadFucking based comfy midcarder who's likeable yet not a mark for himself. Xpac or Owen hurt
>AguaDon't know