>>12142253At the very least the dems know how to rig an election, there's no chance Republicans can get someone over that's not even popular in their own base. And not talking about the pundits and shit like that but the real base that actually voted for Trump. That Elder Scroll character indian Vivek is unironically the best candidate over Trump but probably won't get the nomination because red hats are too salty for Biden election and want to push Trump.
Let's say a republican candidate wins over Biden or whoever crook lefties put on the podium. If Trump wins he'll choose the same Kosher-people to dilute everything he promised last time too, if Vivek wins, he's up on shits creek with no paddel and no support and probably be forced into a bi-partisan spit roast with both taking turns who gets to fuck his policies in the ass, with the lack of major backing from either party and they ain't washing their dicks between swaps. Ron is a pro-kosher guy too.
Either party wins, 'murica will still pledge it's undying self-sacrificing allegiance to Moloch and Israel and continue send billions of tax dollars abroad to the "Holy land" and whatever NATO-ZOG-CIA-WEF war is in fashion that season. But that's just my take and analysis.