>>12152063Vince himself exposed the business years prior by refusing to pay off the athletic commission in New York. He literally opened a Raw the same year as the screw job with a pre taped segment explaining its not even a sports “presentation” anymore, that it’s a got more in common with a soap opera or the Jerry Springer show.
You can pull your consent to appear in a documentary at any point. All it takes is a formal written statement. Vince for years obsessively had guys terminate their contracts and sign WWF contracts via fax, so the exact moment would be recorded and there was a deep paper trail. Also to avoid confrontation but whatever. If it’s a shoot you have to believe Vince just shrugs it off and doesn’t fight the documentary.
If it was a shoot you’d have to believe Vince not only lets himself be seen for real screwing Bret but also himself being punched in the face and spit on, a guy who no-sold blowing out both his fucking quads on PPV, who tried to keep up with Mark Henry in a lifting contest. A proud guy one would say.
This was a guy who wouldn’t let go of the Ryback trademark, with no intention of ever using it again, still tied it up in a decade of litigation just because it was his and Rybitch tried to take it, even though it was worthless. He somehow doesn’t sic the lawyers on Bret’s documentary, then lets him trace WCW in the air and doesn’t hit the 7 second delay.
You’d also have to believe Bret punched him so hard in the face, that it broke all the rules of human anatomy and gave him an instantaneous black eye. Which there are pictures of and people backstage attest to. Humans do not get black eyes immediately after being punched. Max Holloway landed 445 strikes against Brian Ortega one UFC fight. He disfigured his face brutally, broke his nose and probably his orbital bone. Face was swollen for sure but you know what he didn’t have? Black eyes. Bret I don’t think has ever been known for his pure strikes.