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Quoted By: >>12165738 >>12165751 >>12165881 >>12165916 >>12166499 >>12167223 >>12167318 >>12170401 >>12170772
In all seriousness, apart from wolfie, is there anyone who can call this guy their favorite wrestler? Diesel was anti-dimes and he was the least cool member of the NWO. His comeback also sucked and the 2003 Bad Blood match with banana nose was the WOAT Hell in the Cell match before it became a regular PPV. His second comeback and feud with Punk was also ratings repellent and killed any of Punk's momentum. He's a shit promo since all he does is throw together a bunch of outdated references and he got exposed hard by the Rock. He's terrible in the ring, unathletic and can barely take a bump. Even his podcast is awful, he can't string a sentence together coherently and has the most bland, boomer-esque takes about politics or current events.