>>12187745That monitor throwing sperg was doing a fine job of that by himself too. It's not like he needed an assists after Brawl Out. He had his own damn show to run and what did he do? Blew a fuse because Jungle Boy, a fucking c-lister of a wrestler in their show, was spewing words on a live show at Punkey for getting in his way on a stunt spot he wanted to do. Not even by name, just told someone "cry me a river". You had to know the context and be extremely thin skinned to lose your shit for that and Punk did.
Understand that nobody would have given a single solitary fuck if JBoy got injured on that spot and never wrestled again, not even Tony and this fucking Chicago Baby Man thought them were some fighting words, enough to throw everything he got and built under the bus...or in this case, an avalanche of monitors.
All this happened while Bucks and Page pussy out basically trying their hardest not to even be in the same arena with the guy, let alone respond to his obvious digs he shat out in front of live audiences about being the real champ, Page being a peg warmer etc. Punk wrote that exit ticket himself.