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No.12191602 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be Vince
>Multi-billionaire, world famous
>Still has to pay millions for sex
>Gets caught
>Jews throw allegations at him
>Instead of being a man and taking his company private again, Vince allows himself to be forced out by the board that he hired
>Goes out with a short and lame promo and an equally short/lame tweet
>Comes back on his knees, like Nash in 1992
>The Jews abuse him, like Nash in 1992
>Sells it all to the Jews, reducing himself to the status of an employee
>they don't clap or pay attention when he talks
>They quickly remove him from creative
>Stock starts falling faster than PanAm flight 107, greatly reducing Vince's net worth
>Left nothing to his kids
>destroyed everything good about the wrestling business
>fucked over just about everyone
>and all for nothing in the end
>Has now been reduced to the status of a mascot
It's Vince. There is no other KWAB like this in the entire history of professional wrestling. This is worse than the Montreal screwjob, worse than Sid's leg break, even worse than Kevin Nash's horrible rape in the burning hot summer of 1992.