>>12227843For me it's HBK/Flair.
Some casuals care about cool moves, flips etc. Twitter GIF wrestling basically.
NO casuals care about an Okada/Omega marathon match - I enjoy them, casuals do not, I'm not such a sperg as to not understand that.
But if you want casuals to actually get invested beyond again, cool flips and twiter GIFs, it's HBK/Flair. You can instantly pick up the story, it's got decent action mixed with great psychology and, compared to a lot of wrestling, great acting. It's literally Old Yeller: The Match, and as Flair's last good match/first official retirement match works as a good end of an era match to serve as a jumping on point for if the viewer goes "hey I wanna see more of these guys".
There's genuinely almost nothing post 2010 or so that will actually engage a casual beyond "LOOK AT THE MOVES" spectacle, that doesn't require multiple matches or segments of buildup to provide any kind of context because the idea of properly done recap videos/recap commentary is apparently anathema to AEW, and in-ring storytelling in general is increasingly sacrificed (no, wrestlers having an "omgI sharted and jizzed at the same time" le shocked kickout face doesn't count).