Objectively pic related.
It was a great match, no doubt. But it fucked the scale so bad that now a 5.75 is more worthless than a 4.75 used to be before this match happened.
I said this in another thread, but as a Shotachad and a Tsujichad, it fucking sucks that I will will never have the joy of seeing them getting merited with a genuine and deserved 5 star match and celebrate it joyfully and earnestly, because by the time it happens, it will get a meme 6.25 stars, and it will have been their 20th 5+ star match, and it will be indistinguishable from all the others. The stars have no merit anymore. They're just white noise to everyone. Mere clickbait headlines that disappear off the twitter pages days later.
Dave went senile and it sucks.