>>12274626>you're a fat Uncle Philfucking walking a dangerous line here. that's enough for Twatter to call him racist. Jim is a old white Dixiecrat and is just barely tolerated by the rest of the left; when it's time to not only "le cancel" him but deplatform him as well, the liberal powers-that-be that moderate and run these social media platforms aren't going to think twice about chucking him to the weeds, and the people who use these platforms will have no problem with accepting the Cornette face meme a racist dogwhistle.
with Cornette's checkered past of politically incorrect racial shit and sexual predatory shit with his wife in OVW, it's not a matter of when "if" he's getting deplatformed some day but "when." if i were a betting man i would say it will be when Brian Last feels he can't get anything else out of Cornette and his show, so Brian does what his people do best and doublecrosses Cornette by making allegations.