>>12310380Hulk Rules, brother.
Remind every obese smark that it's also very likely WM III still has the biggest shoot attendance outside of North Korea.
Silverdome was 80,709 football capacity, and WM3 had that + at least a couple thousand floor seats. You could easily bare minimum 83k, higher than WM32 or SS92's shoot numbers. 84k or 85k are likely but even 87k is thrown around as a high-end number by anyone who bothers to look beyond what dirtsheets say. Zane Bresloff fucked up 3's number as an estimated even 78,000 (case could be made he intentionally lowballed it because he was signed by WCW at the time he told Meltzer), very vague but Meltzer ran with it and even 30 years later he will not investigate the flat 78k number more. Even Bix Shithispants goes strongly against Dave on the 78k, but Dave has shown that this is a hill he will not budge from. But why?
See, Meltzer has always loved saying that Summerslam 92 had 78,927 shoot. It's because that means his yummy 4.25 star (no Tokyo Dome so no 5*) workrate non-American match between Bret/Bulldog technically outdraws Hogan/Andre, the peak of the wrestling boom, as he hates traditional American pro wrestling and has spent his entire career turning everyone who will listen against it. It's an autistic point of pride that what thing he likes is above the highest peak of what he hates. Revising history to show those extra 927 people is his way of showing every what a ~distinguished professional wrestling critic of his caliber~ likes is better than what us lowly normal people think. Until WM32 unseated it he loved to say "erm actually Bret/Bulldog was the highest reported ever, higher than Hogan/Andre" and still will not budge. He knows that even a little investigation to revise that vague 78k estimate will show that WM3 was always #1 and Hogan was always the biggest of all time.
tl;dr: Wrestlemania III was 83k minimum, Dave is autistic, and I am both a Christian and a Hulkamaniac.
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