>>12330113You seriously think they PAID, not paid for, as in provided free tickets, The Undertaker to show up on the night of the championship ring ceremony, with the Ultimate Warrior’s Wife and his wife, dressed up like a retard to take a picture with Kevin Love, Birdman and Richard Jefferson? 3 guys. This is the equivalent of flying in food from across the country, leaving it outside and then letting the lighting crew eat it when no one else wanted it.
You think the Cleveland Cavaliers, celebrating their first championship in history, the city’s first championship in half a century cut a check to Michelle Mcool and Dana Warrior? That they did all this, paid for all this, and didn’t bother to ask the players if any of them gave a fuck? (They didn’t).
Has The Undertaker ever showed up at a sporting event and tried to generate some press and work an angle before? (He has). You don’t think Vince loves normie sports stars and entertainers giving the rub to his people? It’s free press. It looks good when it works.
The WWE PR department put out a statement when ESPN and all the newspaper sport’s section were running the picture and goofing on them. They said.
>oh we were just doing what we were asked. We didn’t even want to send anyone, who is LeBron James? Never heard of him.