Hi Rob, here's some advice:
>unfuck your goddamn audio, it's been godawful ever since leaving Fite, latest show was the worst of the bunch, the crowd and overall show was barely audible while the commentary was way too loud
>speaking of it, bring back Kyle Wylde, he's much better than Larry fucking Legend, motherfuckers just yelles like a retard while Niemi sounds like an old man mumbling around or they both make idiotic sex jokes, Wylde is able to keep Niemi on a leash
>more fucking promos and shit from everyone, the whole XPW TV thing was meant to set the company apart from other indies but it's all but been abandoned, without the wrestlers showing personality nobody cares, case in point Judge Joe Dred who went from a fat jobber to the top heel in the company after he was allowed to show some fucking character
>bring at least some of your shit back to youtube, I understand not having the whole TV show on there due to copyright with the music and whatnot but at least some 2 min clips with a link to the full show or an occasional full match such as Tessa v Ludark
>stop wasting everyone's time with your wife's stupid title defenses for that worthless belt, it's all the same stupid shit time and again, fuck it
>more logical booking, for instance Tessa's title challenge is a no contest, with things being due to be settled at the next show, yet when that rolls around Ludark does that retarded shit with the Body while Tessa cuts a promo talking about how nobody's better than her and all that, completely ignoring the fact that she got fucked over in her pursuit of the title last month, that's stupid
>stop bringing in all these untrained yardtarders, JJ Escobar, Tarzan Duran, all those shitters never drew a dime and never will, opening a show with a deathmatch is also stupid
>there's far too many fucking deathmatches, if you have regulars than can work such as Masada or Ludark have them do straight wrestling from time to time, maybe bring in a big name for them to fight