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Triple H on LA Knight

No.12384501 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>I don’t care who you are, how long it takes, if you grind…I look at LA Knight right now. He’s been in this business for a long time.

>I knew him in the very beginning. He was in NXT early in the system. A lot, he’ll admit this, a lot to his own doing, he caused himself to not be in it, but he kept grinding, kept grinding, kept grinding, and here is sort of running towards the end of his career and all of a sudden, he’s making it and becoming a big deal.

>Hopefully, he can capitalize on that, and we can, but you never know, and you keep those doors open and you see what’s going to resonate. Nobody has perfect vision around the corner. You just keep grinding and doing what you do and hopefully success comes.

Am I crazy or does this sound like a subtle burial?