>>12515061You have no idea the fucking ocean of complexity, intricacy and historical forces working behind the scenes with RLM. For one, the whole operation is being held together with blu-tac and toothpicks right now and intense legal battles form an invisible reality behind the videos. These guys fucking hate each other and their audience and every single frame of every video is a masterfully orchestrated piece of propaganda to hide the fact that the house of cards is about to collapse. Mike's reputation is hanging by a thread after he got JJ Abrams to ruin SW, got exposed for shilling Marvel, got heat for sicking his fans on Shatner, and calling that 12 year old Latina “smoking hot”. You have no idea how carefully he needs to script his opinions and reactions so as not to undermine or contradict himself. That’s the one thing Mike fears: contradicting himself. He will never admit the sequels were a disaster and that the prequels have merit. He can’t admit that Snyder is good- but he also has the “humanizing” (public relations) force of Jay and Rich remaining him that seeming to support Whedon (especially after the allegations) with public opinion against him, and doubling down on the Snyder hate (with the nondescript “tragedy” mentioned by Jay and mainstream support for his cut) will humiliate RLM. So he cannot contradict his previous web of bullshit, or his fellow RLM hosts (that would bring the entire shaky operation down instantly, especially if Rich walks), and so must very carefully tow a line and navigate his way through 50 threads of bullshit so that the real fans who SEE all this shit don’t win, don’t call him out. Obviously, he can’t keep it up forever, but this video was a genius little bit of maneuvering on his part that’ll keep the gig on life support a bit longer. Long term RLM fans know this shit and have dealt with it for years.