>>12551424I dont like aew much anymore, but i dont begrudge anybody for not paying any attention to these old fucks just there to hog up money.
Mark henry was a token hire who won a strongman competition and gathered tenure as a talent left off ppvs through his prime.
Paul white happened upon hulk hogan who put him over in wcw for time off. Thereafter he was never important or a draw again through his career.
Tully and arn anderson were hot in the early eighties... as two back up goons for prime ric flair. If they had any advice worth a shit, there'd be two famous brocks in the industry.
And Jerry lynns entire career is owed to being in the ring while rvd innovated flippyshit.
BONUS: Seth rollins is the most flat, uninteresting and boring talent thats ever been pushed as hard for as long. He legit sucks at everything but ring work and keeping time with his theme song. He was dustys pet project for YEARS. Wwe trainers aint offering anything, either.
The dudes you need to be learning from got too much money to bother teaching you and the new gen knows it.