>>12572859He's simply too mediocre for how strong Tony has always kept him for years. On top of just being okay in the ring, people claim he's a great talker, but he can't cut an original promo to save his life. He's just all around a C-level talent, and Tony pushes him as if he's great and as if he's remotely over. He's a midcarder Tony treats like a huge star for some reason. Ratings have been tanking ever since MJF won the belt, but Tony keeps insisting on doubling down and giving him this massive year long reign because he invested so many years trying to build him up. It's sunk cost fallacy at this point. Tony should have realized MJF isn't read and taken the belt off him 6 months ago after that dumb Four Pillars storyline no one cared about. TK gets too wrapped up in his own head canon to realize when the fans simply don't care about something.
That's part of what Tony doesn't get. Just because he pushes MJF as a main event star, doesn't actually mean he's a main event star. They keep having MJF do all of these media appearances for AEW, and nobody knows who the fuck he is. They had him do segments on the local news in NYC, and interviewed him at a Mets game last summer and everyone in the stadium was just confused because they have no fucking clue who MJF is.