>>12586770> multiple people with an actual creative vision that haven't been brain poisoned by the last 30 years of wrestling bubble groupthink and inscrutable buzzwordsthis is the most retarded thing I’ve ever read
first of all they don’t fall out of the fucking sky you idiot, WWE hires a hundred hack tv writers who don’t know shit about wrestling and what a shock, Vince rewrites the whole show last minute because the “script” was made by a bunch of people who wouldn’t know a draw if peak Hogan flexed an inch from their face, these people don’t even understand how to work let alone tell someone else how to work and you’re a dupe if you think any of them know more than even a retard like Russo at this point
secondly, what do you think happens to anyone who stays in wrestling for more than a year? it’s an industry of failed athletes, retard meatheads, drug addicts and potential school shooters. everyone in wrestling would rather be doing something else and you’re the worlds biggest mark if you think that these people care about anything other than drugs sex and money. anyone stupid enough to fall into wrestling and not quit within six months ends up using the carnie lingo and getting wrapped up in the retardation and they end up writing even worse garbage than before. anon you’re a complete mark and an idiot if you think anything other than Vince with his money can outcrazy wrestlers into actually working and drawing this team of writers is just there to exist and they all suck at their jobs