>>12612349I think the version they did last week was far superior. The way they kept flashing back and forth between Shinsuke talking, Cody reacting, and the clips of the matches being discussed was unironically brilliant. It established Shinsuke as talking directly to Cody with the clips serving as Cody's memories of the things mentioned, and his reactions being served up and the interactive component. The fact they cut it the way they did during live TV was one of the slickest things I have ever seen on TV, but it is completely understandable how it went over most people's heads.
It is hard to do stuff like this on a weekly show and expect the majority of the audience to get a clue. Doubly so with a show that runs near 52 times a year. Personally the think the still frame version they did this week was a much more practical solution even if it lost the cinematic appeal of the original version.
But yeah, who ever was the producer last week controlling the board and switching between the different channels during a live show with three different streams is legit amazing and puts most pros in the industry to shame. The way he seamlessly flowed between them was amazing on a technical standpoint despite the fact almost no one who watches it would ever notice.
TLDR: Last week required too much critical and technical knowledge to truly appreciate which meant its instant understandability went down. In the business of life TV artistry that prides itself on just that will always lose out to mass adoptability which is the base measurement of the industry.