>>12636571I am so, so fucking tired, of middle class, West Coast arts graduates trying desperately to still impress their liberal university peers by over-intellectualising pro-wrestling in a desperate effort to elevate it from what they perceive as grubby, working class, blue collar common muck fodder into a high artform suitable for the intelligentsia. These cancerous people ruin every form of entertainment and culture in order to try make it fit they and their social group's preconcieved requirements of what educated, intellectual, deep-thinkers, of which of course they always are, can or cannot like.
Stop trying to make everything fucking deep, you're not getting any college credit for analysing wrestling like it's a literary classic, and spoiler for the English graduate marks, 90% of literary analysis is bullshit that ignores the author's intent and is made up to justify literature professors' jobs or push sociopolitical messages.
2 or more guys with personalities that are larger than life vs the average person and stand out vs the average person, want to win a belt because more money, develop beef because of personality clashes, soap drama ensues on top of the wrestling. That's all it needs to be and there's nothing wrong with it not being some hyper-intellectual story you pretentious fucks.