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Tell me when he's telling lies

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>For fans of professional wrestling, especially those who watched during the 1990s, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart are often considered to be two of the best who ever stepped foot in a ring. On top of that, most fans would be able to give an answer as to which performer they personally preferred. However, Jake "The Snake" Roberts had some harsh words to say regarding Michaels and Hart on his podcast, "The Snake Pit," when asked about which of the two he viewed as a better in-ring worker.
>"Neither," Roberts said, acknowledging that he would likely garner some attention on the internet for his thoughts. "Better performer? Shawn. Bret just gets dull at times, you know? And his interviews aren't up to par, I don't think, to what they should be for what position he held. I think his interviews were poor at best." Continuing on with the same train of thought, Roberts didn't have very many positive things to say about Michaels, either.
>"They were part of that era that quit selling things," Roberts continued. "[They] just did everything. I will give it to Bret that he did wrestle a lot more than Shawn. But Bret, to me, just — oh, boy, I'm going to get myself in trouble here. He just wasn't a champion to me. There, I said it. Neither one of them [were]." The WWE Hall of Famer pointed to both men's styles and size as two reasons why he couldn't see them as championship material.