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No.12642433 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your daily reminder you're being worked.Tony owns ROH. Guess who is going to show up there with that company? Cody. If Cody has signed with WWE why has it not leaked like every thing else does? If he wasn't going to resign with AEW why would he wait until now to negotiate with WWE. He was not under contract so he could have had talks with them and had a deal in place in case he didn't resign. You'll sooner see Cody at a NJPW Strong taping than a WWE event. It's all a work. Here's what I think he is doing
>Claims he is no longer under contract to AEW
>Flirts with WWE but doesnt sign
>Instead goes on to appear in other feds or beats Gresham for ROH title
>Proceeds to talk shit about AEW and everyone in it at every stop
>Because all these feds have working relationships with AEW Cody seems to be a rogue but is still under the same umbrella
>Let's Kahn talk more about the Forbidden Door and how even though Cody is talking shit he is happy to let him fight or appear on AEW at any time
>This all culminates with Cody getting a title shot for the AEW championship as a babyface tries to "shut him up"
>Because Cody is "no longer under" AEW contract he can fight for the title
>Wins title and "holds it hostage"
>Forms a "WWE" stable, and AEW goes all in with their own "Invasion" angle
This let's Cody reset himself and get from out of the "I will never compete for the HW title" stip he put on himself. With all these ex-WWE guys in play do you really think Cody doesn't have people who want to work major angles with him? Plus Kahn loves rehashing old shit, and now his roster can legit be split between the AEW "originals" and the WWE invaders. He even has Sting for fuck's sake. This will eventually lead to Kenny returning and the other VP's turning face along with him. Kenny set up the fucking angle in his podcast. He stated h never saw this thing with WWE being a war. Only Cody saw it that way. That is the fucking angle. Cody will be the one who starts this invasion war with AEW.