same thing happened to my buddy. dude was basically a twink before it was a thing. he would purposely, even back in high school, hang out late in the locker room and wait for someone to take the bait. Only time i ever saw it first hand was in college, we hit the gym together and I saw him lure a weightlifter guy to the sauna. Heard moaning down the hallway for about 2 minutes, then the weightlifter shuffled out cautiously. Went into the sauna after and walked in on him still bend over, his ass facing the doorway, and his cock (very small, but also fully erect) dripping out 2 shots of cum. I always wondered to this day if he was just finishing himself up, or if he waited because he wanted me to see.
anyways, he ended up getting a perforated colon, and more recently colorectal cancer. hope kenny fairs better if OP pic is true.