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No.12756583 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, AEW fanboys and girls, gather 'round. It's time for a reality check from someone who actually understands the wrestling world. The potential return of CM Punk to WWE? It's not just news, it's a wake-up call to all you delusional AEW diehards!

>Star Power? Please.
CM Punk was the only reason AEW ever got a glimpse of the big leagues. Now that he's ditching that sinking ship, what's left? A bunch of no-name indie darlings? Good luck keeping those ratings afloat without Punk's magnetism.

>AEW's Storylines? Laughable.
Punk was the only one bringing some semblance of depth to your second-rate soap operas. With him gone, you're left with what? Half-baked feuds and storylines that a kid with action figures could outdo.

>WWE's Dominance.
Let's face it. WWE is the empire of wrestling, and AEW is just a rebel alliance without a cause. Punk returning to WWE is like the prodigal son coming home. It proves, yet again, that WWE is the pinnacle, the Everest of wrestling. Everyone else is just living in our shadow.

>Fan Delusions
It's hilarious watching AEW fans scramble to justify Punk's departure. Face it, he's leaving because AEW can't hold a candle to the legacy and prestige of WWE. He's coming back to where real legends are made.

>Talent Exodus
Punk's move might just be the first domino. Watch as other wrestlers get wise and jump ship. Why? Because WWE is where careers are made, legacies are forged, and real champions are crowned.

In conclusion, AEW fans, keep living in your fantasy world where your brand is anything but a WWE wannabe. The rest of us will be enjoying the big leagues. Punk's return to WWE isn't just a victory lap; it's a reality check for anyone who thought AEW was in the same league. Time to face facts: WWE is, and always will be, the undisputed champion of wrestling.