I would've said /pw/ since we're so fucking irrelevant but /pol/ is definitely the worst. I don't fucking care about the politics but it's one of the most NO FUN ALLOWED! boards I've ever seen precisely due to what this guy said.
>>12819058 It doesn't even feel like 4chan because it really does read like a bunch of boomers from facebook, DNC plants & brainwashed retards who don't know any better.
That place is a hell hole who will keep on harassing you if you don't bow down to their Jewsus Christ religion. The Christards act as if they own the place too when I don't even remember seeing them until 2016. /pol/ used to be a decent place for news aggregates up until post 2016 where every single thread is shitted up christard reagan trump boomers, lefty pol troons & spooks.