There was a section from a WWE Kids magazine, this was around 2008 or 09, that taught you how to make ice cream sundaes that looked like wrestlers, and they all had pictures. So for example there was an Undertaker one that had black licorice for the hair, half broken milano cookies at the sides with icing on them to be mini tombstones. Had a hat as well but I forgot what they did for that. There was a bunch of them. There was a Punk one that had wafer rolls with Xs drawn on them. A Triple H with a little marshmallow on a pretzel stick for his sledgehammer. A Kofi Kingston that was chocolate ice cream when all the others were vanilla. And they all had cute little M&M eyes. Unfortunately, my parents got rid of all my WWE magazines when I grew up, and I can't find any photos/scans of WWE Kids magazines online at all. There's absolutely no way to see these now, but it was SOUL.