>>12924397>i only watch njpw and wweYou're so full of shit
You come into the Weekend Webm thread every week and immediately call Webmbro a weeb and say
>WAHH WHY DON'T YOU MAKE NXT WEBMS WAHHHYou can check the archive, this faggot makes the same whiny posts to Webmbro every single fucking week and he always gets turned down (because NXT is shit and for retards) to the point where he had to learn to make webms himself to post shitty threads like this one
and the moment somebody says "that looks dumb", he starts pissing and shitting himself and trying to argue everything in the thread until he's blue in the face
NXT anon is a perennial KWABOTY contender if you ask me
nobody cares about this shitty show and nobody ever will