>>12930878>Suddenly the lights go black and a crow's fart is heard in the distanceCole: No way!
Cole: It's the man known as Stink! Stink is here!
Graves: He won the WCW championshit belt several times! Defeated the likes of Kevin Ass, who we all know had one of the sloppiest anuses in wrestling after that particular incident in '92! But now Stink has his eyes, the ones on his head and the one below his waist, focused on the Undertooter!
>Stink stares at Undertooter for a while before lifting up his baseball bat and pointing it at him>*PPPRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFLLLLLTT*>The crowd goes absolutely batshit crazy and starts to throw their feces into the ringCole: Did you hear that?
Graves: Hear it? I can smell it! That's Stink's patented Stink Bomb!
Cole: It looks like Stink has issued a challenge to the Undertooter without saying a word!
Graves: He might not have moved his mouth, but his lips opened and a threat was definitely made!
>Undertooter takes a big whiff and recoils at first due to the odorCole: Is Undertooter going to accept?
Graves: He has to! He has no yellow streak down his backside, he has a brown one!
>Tooter stares down at the poop smeared canvas with a solemn expression before turning to StinkUndertooter: I'll see you at Wrestlemania! In SMELL IN A CELL!