>>13016638I reckon it was sloth and carelessness on the part of listeners, more than acceptance.
Every station played Nickelback twice a day if not more, for 10 fucking years.
That Telecommunications Act from 1996 enabled all of this.
Radio stations got gobbled up into one big fed and the booking stopped coming from the DJs making the shows.
Playlists came from a random office in New York City and DJs had to play those or get suspended/fired.
The playlists in turn were made by one or two people in accordance with the tastes of the mogul now in charge of radio, or at least in charge 20 years ago.
The producer managers would then not buy any new equipment, and they rented their same old hardware out to bands, which could easily cost the band $10k per day out of their $250k label budget.
The producers mixed and mastered to the tastes of the mogul and not to what people wanted to hear.
I'd say rock was murdered with intent.
It's not that different from the PG era of the WWE.