>>13124899Im just talking about like a youtube doc or something. looks like he posted an autobiography and just got done reading it and its about what youd expect.
>diagnosed aspergers>fixation is making music and sharing it to as many people as possible>dude weed/lsd >flunked out of school - never taken a music class>mental breakdown, put in a psych ward>diagnosed with schizophrenia>escaped psych ward and put on flight risk list >put back in a psych ward and exposed to electro shock therapy (apparently still a thing in austrailia?)>still making music during this time>just really enjoys the process and thinks that sharing to most people is way to validate success - even if its criticized.I am probably one of the 10 people that have read all 43 pages of his autobiography but theres something endearing about this schizo. Here is a direct quote that i found quite funny
>"Financial juggling becomes a precarious act,as I split my funds between the necessities
of life—ads and weed."