[21 / 1 / 14]
this segment:
>"republicans are le bad... they cannot see how Hunter Biden is based for being all his life a leech crackhead p3d0"
>"something something should have been Gunther about the poo... you know all those Germans are just perverts"
some other show:
>starts reading a sobbing letter about Isreal being bombed
every other show:
>glorifies all sexual abominations that the Jew taught his generation in the 60s-70s
>"well, all those Germans and Scandinavians should only be known for porn, I myself have consoomed a lot of it"
>"i hate those Germans... Jews who owned most media since 1915 taught me so"
>"fuck those gooks, Fraklin Jewano Roosevelt should have killed more"
>carefully avoids to say anything remotely offensive about Goymerica's nigGods, the Sputnik Monroes and the Junkyard Dogs and the Baltimore alley pack
>"republicans are le bad... they cannot see how Hunter Biden is based for being all his life a leech crackhead p3d0"
>"something something should have been Gunther about the poo... you know all those Germans are just perverts"
some other show:
>starts reading a sobbing letter about Isreal being bombed
every other show:
>glorifies all sexual abominations that the Jew taught his generation in the 60s-70s
>"well, all those Germans and Scandinavians should only be known for porn, I myself have consoomed a lot of it"
>"i hate those Germans... Jews who owned most media since 1915 taught me so"
>"fuck those gooks, Fraklin Jewano Roosevelt should have killed more"
>carefully avoids to say anything remotely offensive about Goymerica's nigGods, the Sputnik Monroes and the Junkyard Dogs and the Baltimore alley pack