>>13191792>Fucked over Bret Hart>Tried to Fuck Over the Rock (only for Austin to tell him to take a hike with Shawn)>Fucked over Billy Gunn>Fucked over Test>Fucked over Chris Jericho>Fucked over Chyna (his fiancee at the time and who he cheated on for Stephaine McMahon)>Tried to Fuck Kurt Angle (based Brisco)>Fucked over Kane>Fucked over Booker-T>Fucked over Scott Steiner>Fucked over RVD>Fucked over Goldberg>Fucked over Randy Orton>Fucked over Shane McMahon>Fucked over Dusty Rhodes>Fucked over Vince McMahon (driving a knife into his back)Fuck this dude, he is a piece of shit and always will be.