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Kurt Angle on Daniel Puder incident

No.13198631 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>“I was in a very awkward situation. At that point, I couldn’t do five pushups. I was in really, really bad shape. My neck was really bad, and Vince asked me to do this. He wanted me to wrestle all of them.
>“I wasn’t worried about Puder. Actually, Puder’s a pud. Man, he was the last guy — I was more worried about the two big guys. The one guy that looked like Jeremy Shockey and the big black kid.
>“I weighed about 207. My body was deteriorating, my neck was killing me, and the first kid I wrestled [Nawrocki] – I got him in a front headlock and took him over. When I did, I jammed my head into the canvas, and both my arms went completely numb, and I pinned the kid. I didn’t want to do anymore, but I opened up my mouth and said, ‘Who else wants some?’ and nobody would raise their hand.
>“Then fans started looking over at them, so Puder was like, ‘I’ll do it,’ you know? I said, “Come on in!”
>“I was like, I can’t believe I’m doing this because I can’t even feel my arms right now.
>“So, we get in there, and [the referees] start it, and I take a half-a**ed shot because I’m scared to death of my neck. [Puder] backed down, and the fans cheered.