Kirtaner was genuinely a computer whiz and budding internet celeb who could have had so much more. But he let Spardot sink her claws into him and beat him down (literally) so much that he gave up on the site and took a shitty IT job under a guy that failed to pay him more than a few times. And all the money he did make went to Spardot's ugly ass, her smoking, her drinking, her animals, her toys, anything to keep her happy for a few more minutes. Including the site, which was her personal playground and full of trans and burnouts and asslickers, with /wooo/ one of the few bright spots.
The end came when all the good mods grew up and left, and Spardot physically assaulted him and broke the Xbox he bought himself on his birthday. He had her arrested (and was spouting ACAB shit days later,) and then took her back and pretended it never happened. Then it happened again and she left for good. But not before they hate fucked one last time and got pregnant. He broke completely down, did a ton of drugs, started living in a trailer, started dating some other Hot Topic whore with two kids already, and last I heard he was giving Biden blowjobs from his pirate radio station wagon. Spardot, last I checked, had moved back to the trailer in Philly she came from and was bitching on twitter to a couple hundred followers about how her baby daddy is a deadbeat lol.
Much like Vince, trailer trash eventually returns to its roots.
Feel real bad for their kid though. Kids with parents like that either grow up to be huge successes in spite of their childhood or the worst kind of person in accordance with it.