>>13398981Nashposting aside this is bullshit.
Nash was never a draw except VERY briefly with Wolfpac and shouldn't have gone over Goldberg but he's memed on because Cornette cut a great promo on him.
He was never an amazing wrestler but before 96 he could do a few more things than he usually actually did- he did a plancha vs Sid one match and had a couple other moves as Oz, Vinnie Vegas etc. When he wanted to he could do cool shit like Jacknifing Giant, but didn't do it often.
He had charisma and mic skills, but was better as a smarmy know-it-all wisecracking slacker, than big angry scary toughguy, his real personality didn't fit his look and he never had sufficient in-ring impressiveness to work right as an effortless lazy giant. He could have done the OC gimmick as a big man but weirdly would've need to put in more effort or at least repertoire than he did to look like he can kill you without trying.
He had one of the best looks ever in the business, you almost never get somebody that big and jacked who makes for good headshots, Nash, Sid, prime Goldberg, Big Poppa Pump Steiner, Prime Luger, surfer Sting, Hogan, Warrior, prime Scott as Razor- THAT is what screams pro wrestler to look at.
The thing that always stopped Nash from being a bigger draw, more respected, whatever, is the same thing that also meant he made money- he didn't give much of a shit beyond getting paid as much as possible for as little work as possible, would undercut other guys and even himself if he could ensure it meant he got another month of fat cheques for no work. Great hustler, limited performer who limited himself even more.
But despite that he's way more of a mark for himself now than he lets on, he was 'money and miles' at the time but clearly has some regret and insecurity in hindsight with how he always defends everything he ever did and has to retcon himself as popular, a legit badass, and always in the right/a great performer.