>>13407203Best post
Grew up as a history buff. EU4, CK, History Ch and National Geo History (when they were good in the 90s-00s), history forums/Ancient Origins
Amon Amarth, Skyrim, Vikings TV shows are the worst thing to have ever happened to the modern Western psyche.
It happened so quick. The collective zeitgeist mentality was savages, barbarians, rapists, violent macho men for generations; then in the 2010s the Reddit shift happened. What I call the Reddit shift is when all vaccinated atheist sub-humans found a new, trendy, safe aesthetic to bandwagon because of hollywood jewish tv shows making "Vikings" gyno-centric and matriarchal. (Germanic tribal pre-christian cultures were NOT matriarchal. Their women had their place, and it's often conflated with the fact there were women priest"shaman" classes etc.)
I can instantly write off anyone as a sub-human if they pretend to find affinity with "Vikings" in the modern west now, because there's a 90% chance they're a vaccinated, domesticated slave cattle queer idiot with a dildo collection. These people ruin history