>>13421474The weird psuedo-mutt looking guy is Mizkif. A Just Chatting (low effort reacting to YT vids) streamer who's acutely aware that his relevance is dwindling day by day. And basically keeps the one attractive TX streamer girl Emiru under lock and key because he's still butthurt over his streamer ex Maya dumping him. And Emiru doesn't know any better because she spent her best years dating the autistic and washed up LoL streamer Dyrus, and then had some real stalker issues after they broke up.
The asian girl is extraemily, another just chatting streamer who does the whole le quirky/retarded act, but she's got an engineering degree from Columbia. She worked out that being the newest fucktoy to be thrown around the TX streamer scene was easier than actually trying to make it in the real world.
The manbun guy is Wake, who does actually have something about him as he's at least somewhat dedicated to being /fit/, but is still a reaction streamer for the most part.