This is what Dave said if you don't want to watch the video
>"I thought that Darby Allin interview was so counterproductive. I couldn't believe it.
>"They ended that show last week with a hot angle. He comes back, and his blood is all over these guys' jackets - never brings it up. They beat up Sting's sons with a baseball bat - never brings it up. They beat up Sting and him with a baseball bat, bloodied him up - never brings it up.
>"Basically his interview was to get over Cody Rhodes. The biggest star in WWE, or the biggest babyface. That interview was... it was so Russo. So Russo.
>"And even using the Cornette vernacular like… they're trying to make Cornette into the babyface, when all he's done is shit on that product. Which is great for Cornette, but it's like, what the hell are you doing with this 'All Friends Wrestling'? What's that supposed to mean? And going like, 'You guys didn't want me, you wanted Brandon Cutler, your buddy, and it was a different EVP that brought me in, and it's not Kenny Omega', so they all start chanting Cody.
>"Why did they even shoot that angle (last week)? Tell me. Why did they shoot the angle if they're gonna ignore it then next week? They made no mention of it in the whole interview."