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Bryan Danielson was ASSraped by a gay niglet in 2010

No.13425231 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Shankcoon and the discord incels threads here draw NO ORGANIC ENGAGEMENT despite wasting 5+ years of their life for free daily on obscure made up in 2018 gay fanfic.

Us triggering you so bad, you wasted money on a 10 second pokemon billboard advertisement no one in person reacted to, no one on social media mentioned and couldn't even fill a thread with enough discussion to hit the bump limit here. Isn't making Waves. You PRETENDING it's the most amazing thing ever for months on end doens't make it amazing either.

Ditto paying for WWE tickets with us in mind because we live in your head frent free, so you can hold a sign up so 6 people on twitter can ask what it means. You're not making waves. That's a teardrop in an ocean.

You've flooded board with a bunch of dimeless threads again and nobody cares LOL. None have drawn anything. 1 to 2 comments in most cases. Your best still being under 10. KEK.

Anyways murked them all so enjoying wasting your time samefagging them.
