>>13450439Lots of based ones in there who were over at that time
>Del Rio>Batista>Beth>BEEG>Bellas for coombait>Somebody call my mama>CM punk>aDolph say the word>Dimes Shooting Star press >Cena> Morrison> Kelly Coombait>Kofi when he actually was good> Maryse titties>Serious R-Truth also based>Mysterio >Santino also based>Miz>Gaytch>Excuse Me!>Woo Woo man>Alicia coombait>Christian on his dimes run screwed by Randy>Dashing/Undashing Cody is over with me>Bryan>Kane>Mark Henry on his way to Hall of Pain>Natty, Layla coombait >Randy>Sheamus>Botch Cara was good for a few months>Taker>Corre Wade Barrett sucked but would go forward being a solid upper midcarderSo not the worst roster, there's been worse like 95 and 04