>>13452190Dogshit that webm.
Everyone wrestles the same nowadays.
Videogame wrestling.
In videogames, you need to have 2-5 moves for every position- top rope, springboard, submissions, running strikes/grapples, ground, basic strikes/grapples. People now just build out their movesets to fill videogame position slots rather than fit a character or have a distinctive way of wrestling. Even big lardass hosses like Bronson or Ivar insist on doing springboard shit EVERY FUCKING MATCH.
If everyone is special nobody is special.
If you get your shit in every match, it stops mattering.
If you try get Twitter gifs of cool flips you can do every match, the flips become routine not distinctive or cool.
If you do the same shit everyone else does, you stop being impressive.
Why the fuck do so few wrestlers actually wrestle distinct STYLES now? They might have different movesets but everyone does the same jack -of-all-trades Dragon Gate bullshit.