>>13472527Back and forth to start, mostly focusing on Seth and Roman facing off. Hot tag to Cody, hot tag to Rock. Rock cleans house, then rolls out of the ring and grabs a microphone. He starts cutting a promo while beating up Cody.
>You wanna finish the story, bitch? Spoiler alert, I kick your candy ass all over this arena!Cody comes back and gets the mic.
>this is for my father!Match erupts into a brawl, all 4 guys in the ring. Seth accidentally hits Cody and then starts staring at his hands in shock. Then he starts laughing. All 3 guys start beating down Cody, Roman calls for a table. They triple power bomb Cody through a table, then Roman pins him. At the end of the match Roman gets the mic.
>This ain’t about the Bloodline and it’s not about the SHIELD. We’re something new. Say hello to BloodSword, the ultimate alliance in sports entertainment history. Bitch.They beat down Cody and it gets so bad a buncha guys come out to help. BloodSword beats them all down with ease.
I do not know why we are so afraid of making dominant heel factions that win all the time and are cool doing it. It works every time.