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Quoted By: >>13502254 >>13502262 >>13502391 >>13502771 >>13506180 >>13508273 >>13508533 >>13510517 >>13511212
Freelance joshi wrestler Sumire Natsu (31) experienced unexpected swelling in her left eye three days after cosmetic surgery.
>Upon waking up this morning, I was shocked to find my left eye swollen to the point where it wouldn't open :'(. The area around the eye has suddenly swollen, while my right eye remains unchanged. There's some internal bleeding, hence I'll blur it out, but it's clear that the way my eyes open is different.
She was able to remove her compression band and shower but remains wary about her current condition.
Further updates on her progress and recovery will be provided as more information becomes available.
Freelance joshi wrestler Sumire Natsu (31) experienced unexpected swelling in her left eye three days after cosmetic surgery.
>Upon waking up this morning, I was shocked to find my left eye swollen to the point where it wouldn't open :'(. The area around the eye has suddenly swollen, while my right eye remains unchanged. There's some internal bleeding, hence I'll blur it out, but it's clear that the way my eyes open is different.
She was able to remove her compression band and shower but remains wary about her current condition.
Further updates on her progress and recovery will be provided as more information becomes available.