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>If you're a wrestler, get mad at the company for putting her in that position. Don't get mad at the fans. If the fans see a bad match they've got the right to boo. And even if they see a good match they've got the right to boo. >There's a line and now I think we're getting way too sensitive. I'm gonna get ripped on this because it involves women, but that's just my feeling. If you're a pro, Jesus Christ, that's part of being a pro-wrestler. >If they say something racial, if they say something really badly sexist, in this day and age at an arena, fucking shut them up. Yell back at them. Tell security. Whatever. >But just booing someone or saying "you suck", that doesn't cross the line of behavior that fans shouldn’t be doing.
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>>13601004 dave having to explain even the simplest concept to twitter libs
>>13601004 its not often I say this but he's 100% right
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>>13601004 DAVE. DON'T. MISS.
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>>13601004 This seems like too logically coherent to be a Dave quote
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>mfw i agree with dave meltzer for once
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>>13601004 This guy right for once
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>>13601004 Apart from ludicrous match ratings I'd say Meltzer is a pretty level headed guy tbqh
>>13601004 This is far too coherent for Dave Meltzer. Ya gotta post some kinda source or this is just a ding dong-diddley work.
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>>13601004 Gotta love the Meltzmeister. Always right, baby.
I mean it’s pretty obvious this wouldn’t be a controversy if a male wrestler got booed for stinking up the place.
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>>13602947 I want those feet in my mouth. Why are rich white girls hard to attain?
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>>13601128 dave is always right so it sounds like you're usually wrong
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>>13601004 Can't wait for the mentally ill Twitter/Reddit homos to foam at the mouth here
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>>13601004 Based Dave not taking the snowflakes on
>If they say something racial, if they say something really badly sexist, in this day and age at an arena, fucking shut them up. Yell back at them. Tell security. Whatever. Cringe.
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>>13604538 >yeah well uhhhh - you know it's like uhhhh - i-it's like in my day you know ummm the uhh fans, they'd yell racial slurs and you know, throw things at the wrestlers. And yeah it's like I did too. But today - it's like um you know in the privacy of my home I still do but at the arena it's just, it's just unacceptable. Anonymous
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>>13602947 Perfect feet? Look at those uneven toes and toenails , yuck
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>>13603008 Exactly what happened with Top Dolla and none of his fellow wrestlers came out to reprimand fans for booing him
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>>13602418 Source is the recent WOR in the middle of the dynamite review. Bryan didn't say anything and sounded like he really didn't want him to get into it lol