Allie sucks, she's always been a meme wrestler and now she embraces slampig degeneracy as a gimmick in order to pop white hipster trash who want to co opt Juggalo culture while still looking down at lower class blue collar Midwesterners.
Dark Shiek is a meme tranny.
Martina's gimmick is beyond stale and it's disappointing that she's chosen to coast instead of try to get better.
Shazza has never been good and it's alarming that she thinks Twitter and onlyfans is the same thing as working a live crowd of paying audience members. She fundamentally doesn't get it.
The rest are passable to good. Masha and Janai sell it like a fight. Sawyer and Steph still try to maintain male appealing sexuality while working on their in ring offense, Billie and Rina are good,