>>13621399It's not what you believe, it's how you believe it. Like I am an edgy atheist, and on a certain level it is true, that we are out here, alone, amongst billions, trillions, quintillions of other planets. But to me? That makes us even more special. Think about it. Of all of the other countless planets, we are the ONLY ones with intelligent life. Yes, it's possible that there could be more, but I'm focusing on what we actually know for a fact. So of all the quintillion of planets, and all the billions of people, YOU exist. The chances of you existing now, here, in this form are INSANELY low, probably uncalcuable. Yet here you are, now, reading my retarded post. You are lucky, I am lucky, we are lucky. Don't take that for granted. We're special, truly one of a kind.