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No.13622853 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>so uhhh... here's the thing, Randy. let me break down the segment for you. you handcuff me onto the ropes so I'm completely helpless, right? then you and your buddies beat me up while I'm completely at your mercy and threaten to kill me with a sledgehammer. then my wife gets in the ring to protect me and you knock her out with your rope DDT. you stare straight into my eyes with that crazed Full Metal Jacket look, with spit flowing down your chin like a river of fresh cum. you start manhandling my unconscious wife and turn her on her back. I grab my wife's ankle in a hopeless attempt to save her so you beat me up some more and drag her away from me like the predator you are. you get down on your knees and plant a long kiss right on her juicy lips while giving me a malicious, gloating look like you're the man and I'm your bitch. I'm desperate to stop you but I can't do anything but flail impotently. then you grab the sledgehammer again and smash my brains in with it, leaving me laying in the corner like the pathetic, worthless "husband" that I am. you see, Randy, if a man can't protect her wife, some other man needs to, right?
>wow, Hunter, that sounds cool and all but I'm not sure they'll let us do that on TV
>on TV? what do you mean on TV?